Going through puberty is not a time most people want to remember. Even if your teen years are fun, the turmoil of your body growing up isn’t exactly exciting. When you start to hit your late teens and early 20s, you’re glad to be leaving most of that behind. The thing is, you don’t always get to leave all of those teenage quirks behind. You can find yourself still struggling with things like bad skin or greasy hair, even though you hoped you would grow out of them. So what can you do about those teen beauty problems that won’t go away?
Skin Problems
AKA breakouts of pimples or acne. I was lucky enough not to get a lot of those even though sometimes I ate like sh*t… Sometimes I look back to when I was 12 years old and realized I didn’t even wanted to acknowledge salads and water… Anyways, hormones can do all kinds of things to your skin, making it greasy, dry or causing other problems. But when your hormones start to level out, your skin doesn’t always follow. As an adult, sometimes and depending on the level of your skin problems, it’s a bit harder to get rid of them and eating healthy and drinking plenty of water won’t cut it anymore. So you probably want to get help with acne. Seeing a dermatologist can help you find the best way to treat it so that you can get the skin that you want.
Related: 3 Ways to Give Yourself a Beauty Boost
Greasy Hair
Everything can get a bit greasier during puberty. When you’re older, your hair might not necessarily balance out as much as you want it to. Some people have more naturally oily hair, and you need to learn how to look after it. If you find that your hair still gets greasy, you need the right products and routine for healthy hair. Most of the time you can blame the shampoo you’re using, some shampoos just tend to make your scalp greasier because of the amount of chemicals they contain. But, lots of shampoos and other products are designed just for oily hair. I always recommend trying out shampoos that are more natural and don’t have that many chemicals in them. It can also be a good idea to wash your hair less. It might seem backwards, but washing your hair less can encourage your scalp to produce less oil.
Weight Gain & Body Changes
Most girls have reached their full height by about age 14 or 15, and the rest of your body has likely grown as much as it’s going to as well. But your body can still change in various ways as you get older. Your boobs can keep growing until you’re around 18 and you might find that your weight changes or new stretch marks appear. I’d just say to embrace your stretch marks, because it’s something normal, I also have them! But if you do want to get rid of those, there’s exfoliants that help reduce their appearance and there are laser treatments that make them disappear.
Some say that as you grow older the harder it gets to lose weight, since your metabolism starts to slowly slow down. While, I can’t tell if that’s true or not, just try to have a healthy lifestyle. There’s not a lot you can do about your body changing, although a healthy diet and exercise helps you to manage your weight.Working on feeling positive about your body is one of the best things that you can do!