Truth is, not everyone is a fashionista. Not everyone rushes out to buy the latest fashion trends. Not everyone is concerned about wearing what everybody else is wearing. And that is totally okay. To be honest, if we all looked the same, it would be a little boring. It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to spend your money on the clothes you want to wear. It’s okay if you’re not interested in fashion. I do consider myself a fashionista but that doesn’t mean I’m always wearing the latest trends. In fact, most of the time, I just wear what I like, whether it is a trend or not and here’s why.
Most fashion trends don’t last
I think everyone knows this and it is so true. Fashion trends are constantly changing and the clothes you wear today may suddenly become out of fashion tomorrow. So, I feel this is a great example of why sometimes following fashion trends is not always a great idea.
With that being said, there’s this trend going on: monochrome and minimalistic. And while it will eventually be displaced but a newer trend, I think they’re here to stay.
Fashion trends take away the ‘you’ from you
One of the most beautiful things about fashion is that it is a way for people to let their personality shine through. But sometimes following fashion trends can take that away. If you’re wearing the same things everybody else is, where is your personal style? Choose something that gives off your personality, clothing that reflects your own style & personality. Follow a fashion trend but at the same time make it your own.
Fashion trends aren’t for everyone
And that’s okay! Another beautiful thing about fashion is that there are different styles for different. Not everyone likes every trend, a trend I hated was jean biker shorts. I think they’re so ugly and would never wear the. And there is a couple trends that don’t flatter my body shape. But there are trends I love and won’t stop wearing anytime soon. If you aren’t comfortable wearing something, physically and emotionally, then just don’t!
Wear what you like
If you don’t like certain colors or styles, just ignore them, even if the world’s top models are parading them up and down the catwalks. Create your own outfit, your own personal style, mixing and matching your clothes and accessories until you find something that suits you. Wear what is comfortable to you, and not what others think you should be wearing. Besides, we all feel confident af when we like our outfit!
Fashion will eat up your budget
Except for those classic pieces of clothing, fashion is temporary, trends come and go. And if you’re a fashion addict, you can agree that every time a new trend hits the high street, your bank balance suddenly takes a downturn. And sometimes it can even be a waste of money, as trends don’t last and you want to keep up. But if you decide to not always follow trends, you can save lots of money rather than bankrupting yourself with yet another purchase.
Just think of the money you will save to spend on more meaningful things. I honestly do follow trends, but just when I like them. I’m not concerned about wearing the latest fashion every single time. Instead, I choose to wear what I like, whether it’s a current trend or it’s off season.
There’s no harm in buying into the latest trends occasionally, but only do so if you truly want to, and don’t fall prey to peer pressure or attempts to fit in with everybody else. Just wear what you want, and be happy with your choices. Whether your clothes are in fashion or not, you need to prioritize your personal look over that chosen by those around you.

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