Grades do matter
They matter (and a LOT), so don’t wait until the last minute to write that essay, to start studying for exams, to do your homework. Grades matter, especially while on your senior year, because every single college you apply to is going to be looking at them. This is the year to study harder. Which will also prepare you for next year when you head off to college.Be yourself / Do what YOU want
I know this kinda sounds cliche but it is the best thing you can do. This is your last year in High School! And the best way to do that is to just be yourself. Be you, dress like you want to, do what you like, say what you really think. Don’t do some things just to fit in or to impress those around you. If you’ve always kept to yourself, this is the year to go crazy. Show sides of you, you’ve never shown. It can be fun. Do things you’ve never thought you would.Talk with your teachers
Get life advice from your teachers, talk with them, ask them things, get them to write a recommendation letter, and exchange emails. They can be really helpful, they have another perspective of life, they’ve already been through everything.Choose the school YOU want
Don’t choose a school just because your parents want you to. Or because all your friends, girlfriend or boyfriend are going to that school. Choose the one YOU want, it is your life, it is your choice. I know maybe you and your friends want to go to college together, which is totally great! However, the fun thing about going away for college is to put yourself out there and discover yourself, make new friends, and have different experiences with other people.Choose the major YOU want
I guess this one is like the one above. But, then again I was very confused and lost back in high school. I thought I had to pick a major my family was okay with, even if it wasn’t what I really wanted. Which made me feel even more frustrated because it meant that art or fashion weren’t an option for me. I don’t want to get too in-depth with this (maybe I will in another post), but anyways, you should choose whatever major you feel resonates the best with you and makes you happy & proud!It is okay not to know
I was so frustrated my last year of high school because everyone seemed to have their life figured out and I didn’t. Even though I took several vocational tests, I still couldn’t choose a major and felt like I wasn’t good at anything. But, truth is, you’ll be just graduating high school, it is totally okay if you don’t know what you want yet. It is scary to have to make a decision, so don’t rush into it and take your time. Always remember that most college students have changed their majors… me included! I went from exploratory studies to fashion design, to moving to NYC to study Fashion business and I’m happy to say I am were I’m meant to be.Enjoy every single minute of it
Even if your senior year gets stressful and overwhelming, you should enjoy it as much as you can. Make a Bucket-List of all the things you want to do this year and try your best to do them! Try to say yes more often and don’t keep putting things off! Try to put yourself out there and to have different experiences. Have fun with your friends!