When I was little, I loved getting sick because it meant I got to stay home and watch Disney all day. But now I absolutely hate it and do everything it takes not to get sick – even if that means snorting vitamin C. I’m just kidding, or am I? And the only thing that makes getting sick even worse is getting sick while in college… Because, when you get sick in college, you don’t only feel like shit, but you’re also stressed & overwhelmed. Especially, before or during midterms and finals. Getting sick in college can be challenging, so, here are a couple tips for you to deal with it.
Avoid it
Prevention is key! And yes this is obvious, but if you’re eating junk food on a daily basis, getting barely 6 hours of sleep every night and drinking alcohol multiple times a week it’s only a matter of time for you to get sick. It’s almost like you’re asking to get sick… So, take your vitamins, eat healthy (or try to), drink water, sleep and limit your alcohol intake.
Be prepared
At the same time, sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you take care of yourself, you’ll eventually get sick, at least once. Which is why, you should always be prepared for it. Keep a bag or drawer with aspirins, DayQuil and NyQuil, as those always come in handy.
Call home
Maybe you don’t know if you just have a cold, a flu or something worse, but your parents might know. Besides, they deserve to know if you’re sick and maybe they’ll visit you or send a care package. We all know parents love being kept up to date with what goes on in our lives. With that being said, I always avoid calling my mom because she worries too much and then gets mad at me for getting sick as if it was my fault… that’s something about latina moms I’ll never understand. But I do call my sister and she helps a lot! She’s literally like my personal doctor.
If you don’t feel like calling someone in your family, ask your pre-med friends! I always ask them what to do when I feel like I’m getting sick and they help a lot!
Take care of yourself
College life is a busy life, so take advantage of being sick and take a break. Now you have an excuse to nap all day. No, but really just take care of yourself. Being sick is no joke, not only cause you feel like shit all day, but because you could be falling behind in your classes and that can get really overwhelming fast! Make sure to rest, to drink plenty of water and to eat healthy.
Go to the doctor
If you don’t start feeling better within a couple days and if you have a fever, go to the doctor. There are no excuses. It doesn’t matter whether you hate going to the doctor or you “don’t have time”, just go. If you have fever, you might have an infection and chances are that at this point you need medication.
Personally, I go to the doctor every single time I get sick – better safe than sorry! And I get check-ups every 6 months and blood work every 3 months. Maybe I’m a bit paranoid, maybe not, but almost every disease can be treated if it’s found at an early stage.
Ask your friends for help
Sometimes we get so sick, we can barely get out of bed. And that’s the moment when great friends come in play. If you cannot go to the store and get something, ask them to do it for you. Don’t be scared to ask for help. Last semester I had high fevers for days, and my friends came to visit and got me medication and ice cream when I couldn’t go to the store.
Related: How to skip classes wisely
Drink lots of liquids
Whenever we get sick, we also get dehydrated, so make sure to drink enough liquids that have electrolytes. Gatorade is a good option as well as Liquid IV. Liquid IV is a powder you put on water and it is super hydrating – 1 stick of Hydration Multiplier in a bottle of water can provide the same hydration as drinking 2-3 bottles of water. It also contains 3x the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks and 11 essential vitamins and minerals. My favorite flavor is Lemon Lime. You can use the code SOFIASOLISB for 25% off + free shipping!
Missing class is okay
This one goes to the over achievers out there. There’s no reason in making yourself go to class when you’re feeling sick. You could get worse and if you’re sick you won’t even pay attention to class and won’t learn anything anyways. Professors always understand, just send them an email saying you’re not feeling well and you won’t be showing up to class. Below is the draft of an email I usually send to my professors. But make sure not to fall behind in the classes you’re missing.
Dear Professor ______,
I am writing this email to inform you I won’t be attending class today as I’m feeling under the weather/ have a cold…
I’ll be sure to get the notes/assignments from someone in the class. See you on Monday!
Thank you for understanding.
Best Regards,
Talk with your professors
Aside from only sending tghem an email to tell them you won’t go to class. Make sure to let them know if you wn’t be able to hand in an assignment in time or do a presentation. Almost always they can accomodate you and offer flexibility. Just communicate with them and don’t be afraid.
In case you get sick in midterms/finals season, then you’re screwed. Just kidding, you should email your professors and attach a doctors note!