Once we get to college, there’s a lot of freedom. We get to choose our classes and most importantly, we get to choose whether we go to class or not. There’s no one telling us what to do, like back in high school, and if we decide to skip classes, professors basically don’t care. I’ve skipped class so many times before. Sometimes because I was too lazy or because I wanted to hangout with friends instead. Other times I skipped class to study for another class…
Honestly, I don’t believe you have to go to class religiously to get good grades. It all depends on yourself and on how strict your school is when it comes to attendance. I used to go to the university if Cincinnati, which is a big school and there were about 200 people in most lectures. Which made it so easy to skip class. But then, I transferred to the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC. Which is a smaller school and there are no more than 25 people in each class and attendance is mandatory and strictly enforced. With that being said, here’s a complete guide to skipping classes wisely. So that you skip classes without getting yourself in trouble.
When should you skip class?
When you’re dropping the class, feel free to just skip it. There’s no reason for you to go to class if you’re dropping it.
If you’re sick (obviously) there’s no reason to go to class. Because not only could you get worse, but being sick and in class is just annoying and you might not even learn anything.
If you know for sure that nothing important is going happen during class. Also, always make sure you have a friend in each class – it’ll make catching up so much easier and also they’ll tell you if you missed something important.
Weigh the consequences
First things first, before you decide to skip class, weigh the consequences. I know sometimes you’d rather sleep in or watch Netflix than go to class, I’d rather do that too! But you’re in college to study, so don’t let laziness get in the way of you graduating. But, I also know college is exhausting, so if you’re seriously very tired and lacking sleep, then if you go to class, you’re not going to pay attention anyways. Thing is, before making a decision you should always ask yourself the following questions.
- Is it worth it?
- Is it urgent?
- What would happen if I decide to skip class?
- Can I skip class without harming my grades?
Also, check the syllabus and your planner/agenda to see if you’d be missing any important things, like a quiz.
Related: 7 Things I Do To Get Good Grades In College
What about the notes?
Okay, you skipped class, but what about the notes or the material handed during that class? Here comes the importance of having some friends (at least one) in every class. They can send you their notes and let you know what they did in class whenever you skip.
I took micro economy last semester, and we had to take a bunch of notes, but sometimes I skipped class (I’s Netflix’s fault), and I didn’t have any friends in that class, so I know how hard it can be to catch up. What I did in those situations was basically just find someone that looked friendly, wish they didn’t skip class the same day as I did, and ask for their notes.
Also, there’re some professors that upload their lectures or their power points to blackboard or whatever system or software your school uses.
What if you needed to hand in an assignment?
Shoot your professor an email! Just let them know you wish you had gone to class and properly handed in the assignment but for some reason you couldn’t. And ask them how you hand it in and if you can just do it online. Most professors are very understanding, but you can never think the same thing of every professor you have. So sometimes it might be better to go to their office hours to explain the situation, they’ll surely appreciate your dedication.
Make the most out of your free skips
Most professors give some free skips for their classes. Most just give 3 skips for a semester. I once had a professor that gave like 6 free skips and then he gave out opportunities to make up for your absences, I love him! Anyways, I recommend to save your free skips for the times you need them the most, for example for when you’re sick or for when you have a family emergency.
Don’t skip class if…
You’re failing the class
Why would you even skip classes you’re failing? That’s just going to make the situation worse. Professors appreciate the effort to get a good/decent grade in their class. And they even give extra credit to those who are trying not to fail, but if you’re just not going to class and not putting in the effort, you’ll certainly fail the class.
Attendance weights a lot
There’re some professors that really care a lot about attendance. And if you happen to have a professor that’s like that, avoid skipping class because it could negatively affect your grade. Ultimately, if you don’t have free skips and you need to skip class, just send your professor an email. As I mentioned before, professors really understand college life can get busy and exhausting, so don’t be scared to let them know you won’t be able to attend class.
Last but not least don’t make a habit out of it
Skipping class in college is just so easy, and you can make it multiple times without realizing the consequences immediately. Besides, there’re so many things you could do instead of sitting in a boring lecture or taking notes in a class you don’t like. Which is why it is to easy to make a habit out of it. But skipping class constantly, will just harm your grades and your overall GPA. So, don’t get used to it.
My first semester of college I was taking Intro to Marketing. I liked the class but I thought it was too easy. I’d just skip that class for weeks, because the professor would always upload their lectures to blackboard. But what I didn’t realize, was that she asked questions in the exams, only someone who goes to class knows the answers for. So, I ended up getting a B when I could have gotten an A. Yes, I know some of you might be thinking this isn’t a big deal. But it was for me, because I underestimated a class, got distracted, and decided to skip class for weeks.
Anyways this is an example of how skipping classes can affect your grades, which is why you should do it wisely and always thinking of the consequences. I know this post was more on a serious tone, unlike my other college posts (I’m usually funnier, I promise). Please, skip classes wisely.