It is sorority recruitment season! How exciting is that? In my university, we have been rehearsing recruitment a thousand times. And it reminded me of my own experience going through recruitment. Now, I am on the other side of recruitment and it’s such a full-circle moment! When I went through recruitment I was terrified and overwhelmed – I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. One of my biggest fears while going through sorority recruitment was not having a conversation topic and sitting there in awkward silence. That is why I decided to write this article – here are 10 sorority recruitment conversation tips you need to know about, along with questions to ask.

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Sorority recruitment conversation tips
Know how to listen
Active listening goes beyond just hearing the words someone says; it involves fully engaging and responding thoughtfully. When you nod along, summarize what the other person has said, or ask follow-up questions, it shows that you’re genuinely interested in the conversation. By focusing on being present and attentive, you’ll create a more engaging and memorable conversation, setting yourself apart from others.
Highlight shared values
Highlighting shared values during sorority recruitment is a powerful way to connect on a deeper level with potential sisters. When conversations touch on topics like hobbies, goals, or campus involvement, it’s an opportunity to find common ground that aligns with the sorority’s mission and values. For example, if you’re passionate about philanthropy, talk about your volunteer experiences and ask about the sorority’s charity events or causes they support. This not only shows that you’re looking for a meaningful connection but also helps you discover if the sorority’s culture resonates with your own values.
Pretend it is a job interview
During recruitment, sororities are looking for new sisters and also girls who can represent all of their values and what their letters stand for. This is why going through sorority recruitment is like applying for a job, you want to highlight every positive aspect of yourself. Are you involved on campus? Mention that. Do you enjoy volunteering? Mention that, too. Are you fun? Outgoing? Genuine? Yup, you should mention that as well. Show that you can represent their values and that you’re the right person to show people what their sorority stands for. Why should they choose you among thousands of other girls?
Keep it positive
Avoid controversial or negative topics, unless they are extremely important to you. However, it is best to focus on uplifting and positive topics at least during the first couple of conversations. Towards the end of recruitment, where you’re meeting only a couple of sororities to see which one is a better fit – you can bring up more controversial topics to help you decide.
Body language matters
Body language plays an important role in making a positive impression. Smile often to convey approachability, and make consistent eye contact to show you’re engaged and interested in the conversation. Keep your posture relaxed and confident—avoid crossing your arms, as this can come across as closed off or disinterested. Nodding along while others speak not only signals that you’re listening but also encourages them to share more.
Be authentic
Inauthenticity is noticeable. Make sure you’re not changing yourself just to be likable. This strategy won’t work long-term. Maybe you’ll get into the popular sorority but it won’t be a good fit because you won’t be able to connect with them on a deeper level if you’re not authentic during the recruitment process.
Put effort into the conversation
If you want to avoid that awkward silence, try to make a conversation out of everything you can. Also, make your answers long. For example, if she asks you what your major is. Tell her your major, why you chose it, what you like and don’t like about it. Give the other person enough information so they can ask a follow-up question. And then end your answers with a question to keep the conversation going. If you scroll down, you’ll find a list of question examples to ask.
Be memorable
Now that I have experienced what being on the other side of recruitment is like, I can tell you that it is exhausting! After you leave and go back to your dorms and relax, we are still working and betting. That being said, a tip I have for you is to not assume the sorority will remember you. They are seeing tons of new faces every day. Make yourself memorable by making the conversation different and interesting. Talk about your passions, hobbies, fun facts, something you cannot stop thinking about. What is your roman empire?
Show you are interested
If you want to get a bid from a sorority you have to show interest. Some people think you have to behave like you don’t care if you get into the sorority. But if we see someone act uninterested in our sisterhood, we’ll take them off of our list.
Related: 5 Reasons Why I Decided to Join a Sorority
Have fun while at it
I know sorority recruitment can feel like a defining moment, but don’t let that overwhelm you and make you anxious. Take it easy and actually enjoy the moment. You’ll notice every conversation flows better when you’re relaxed. I promise you, it will be okay and before you know it it’ll be bid day.
Questions to ask during sorority recruitment
- Which organizations do you support? What are the philanthropy events?
- What’s living at the sorority house like?
- How are the sisterhood events? How often are they?
- Will I have to apply for leadership positions?
- Do you have a live-in requirement?
- Why did you join a sorority?
- What was your recruitment experience like?
Questions they might ask you
These are just some generic questions that are often asked during sorority recruitment. So, you might hear these questions a lot. Remember to give long answers and to ask something back.
- What’s your major? Why did you choose it?
- Where do you come from?
- Are you involved on campus?
- What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
- Why do you want to join a sorority?
- Why do you want to join our sisterhood?
- Why did you decide to come to (your college)?
I hope these sorority recruitment conversation tips help you.