I’m sharing 18 fun things I am adding to my High School Senior Year Bucket List with you, and trust me, you’re going to want to check off every last one of these. My senior year was amazing, but of course, there are a few things I’d tweak. So, don’t miss out, and let me know in the comments if you think I’ve missed any other ideas I could add to the list.

Go to school events
Football game or school musical, it doesn’t matter. Show up and cheer on your team or friends. Trust me, this is your last hoorah, so soak it up!
Enjoy every moment
Fast forward to a year from now, and you’re probably gonna be on a different life path than your high school BFFs. It’s kinda heartbreaking but true. So seize every moment like you’re capturing it for Instagram, but keep it in your heart.
Say yes more often
This is your time to say yes more than you say no. Go to that random party, have a heart-to-heart with your mom over lunch, or attend those big family gatherings. Life changes post-grad, so lean into the now.
Make your teacher’s day
Tell your favorite teacher how they’ve inspired you. It will totally brighten up their day. Take a selfie with them while you’re at it. I totally regret not doing this, so take my word for it, and don’t miss the chance.
Set some goals
Alright, not to go all serious on you, but let’s get some goals going. Whether it’s figuring out your college game plan or what Netflix series to binge next, write it down to make it real.
I was freaking out all the way through my senior year because I had no idea what school I wanted to go to and what major I wanted to study. Many people have it all figured out and if you don’t it is okay, you don’t have to have it all figured out but think about it.
Focus on having fun
Senior year is your time to let loose a little. Make memories with your friends on wild nights out. Sometimes the unplanned nights turn out to be the most unforgettable.
Apologize to someone you treated poorly and talk to a friend you drifted away from.
If you’ve been a frenemy or lost touch with an old pal, now’s the time to make amends. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Stand up for yourself
If someone treated you badly let them know; no one has the right to treat you that way. And you don’t have anything to lose. Remember, post-grad, you probably won’t have to deal with high school drama ever again.
Spend time with your family
Heading to college often means saying goodbye to constant family dinners and spontaneous movie nights. Make the most of it while you can, because you’ll miss it more than you think.
For me, graduating high school also meant moving to another country away from my family and friends. So, the best advice I have for you is to spend as much time as you can with your family, because once you start college things will change.
Start being more responsible
Get a head start on adulting by learning to cook something more than instant ramen, or figuring out how laundry works before you’re desperate for clean socks in college.
Do a senior prank
I never did a senior prank, but seriously, why didn’t I? I feel like it would have been a fun experience to have.
Go to prom
Prom is the stuff of teen movies for a reason. Whether you’re about the glam or not, make an appearance. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
Write a capsule letter for yourself
Take a moment to write a letter to your future self. Stash all your hopes, fears, and current faves in there. Open it at your college graduation or another milestone.
Play hooky — just once!
One day won’t ruin your GPA, but it will give you a memory to hold onto. Plan a skip day doing whatever makes you happiest. A beach day? A Netflix binge? You do you!
Host a sleepover
Grab your besties for a night of junk food, rom-coms, and real talk. This could be one of the last times you’re all together in one room, so make it a night to remember.
Step outside your comfort zone
Whether it’s joining a new club, speaking up in class, or just striking up a convo with your crush, challenge yourself to do something that scares you a little.
Do a senior year photo shoot
Celebrate your last year with a photo shoot that screams “you”. Go to your favorite place, wear your favorite outfit, and work those angles. These pics are going to be gram-worthy, for sure.
This one’s a given, but you’ve worked so hard for this. Walk across that stage, grab your diploma, and own it!
And there you have it—18 fun things to add to your high school senior year bucket list. Can’t wait to hear what you’ll be ticking off this list!