Oh, designer items. They are so cute and high quality, everything a girl could dream of, except that they are crazy expensive. Depending on the brand of course. But, the fact that they’re expensive makes them more desirable. I’m currently thinking of purchasing my first designer bag: a Chanel. But, I want to wait until I’m financially independent and well, I don’t know how long until that happens. But, here are some ways I’ll definitely consider, in order to ensure I’m getting the best price and all of my money’s worth. So keep reading to find out how to find affordable designer items!
Shop Pre-Owned Items
A good place to start out on your search for discounted designer goods is to shop pre-owned collections. People tend to keep designer goods in particularly good condition, so when you’re purchasing second or third hand items, you’ll find that they may still be just like new. Just make sure to use reputable and reliable suppliers like Fifth Collection Chanel, Tradesy or The Real Real. Buying it through this websites, will ensure that you are getting genuine products rather than fakes. All stock is verified and you don’t have to worry about getting scammed and losing your money!
You could try to find some items on Poshmark as well. But the thing with Poshmark is that the designer items aren’t verified, because it’s a direct sell between the seller and the buyer. Which could make it easier for you to get scammed or not get exactly what you were hoping for.
Shop the Sales
If you’re willing to play the long game, you could wait for sales to roll around and shop genuine stores when their prices are lower than usual. This is beneficial in that you get a brand new item for a low cost and you can usually get a warranty or guarantee on the items too.
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Browse Thrift Stores
Believe it or not, thrift stores do tend to hold designer goods. While you can’t always guarantee you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for when you go in, you could stumble across a gem. Often, people donate goods not knowing their genuine worth. This results in you being able to bag a real designer item with a low price tag attached. Just make sure to try things on and ensure that they fit before buying them. There’s no point having a designer item that you’ll never be able to wear – no matter how low the price may be. You also have to know to which thrift stores to go, since some tend to have more vintage and expensive items than others.
Browse Vintage Stores
YES, thrift stores and vintages store are NOT the same. Both terms can get mixed very often but the difference is that items sold at thrift store aren’t necessarily vintage, they are just second hand.
Vintage stores can often stock vintage designer goods. Now, if the dealer knows what they have on their hands, they may still charge a large sum – perhaps even more because these items are no longer in rotation and tend to be more rare. However, sometimes, you can come across a stunning item for a relatively low price. What’s more? You can often barter with vintage store owners and they may reduce their prices in order to make a fast and easy sale.
Hope this helps you find what you’re looking for at a relative low price! Also, let me know if you have any other tips, I’d love to hear them!