At some point, every one of us has packed a little too much for a trip… 6 pairs of shoes, 5 pairs of pants, and more than 10 tops? Not to mention skincare, accessories, makeup, and all the other things you might need. But let’s be real—overpacking can be quite a hassle, not to mention it can be expensive in baggage fees. So let’s dive into these tips you can use to avoid overpacking when traveling.
Use packing cubes or organizers
This tip is extra useful if you’re traveling with a carry-on only. Using packing cubes not only makes everything fit seamlessly in your bag, but it makes everything so much more organized. My recommendation is to organize your items based on the clothing category or outfits you’ll wear. So, one of the cubes can contain all your tops, another can contain all the underwear, and so on.
Bring makeup products that are multi-purpose
A way to minimize your makeup bags is by prioritizing products that have different functions or that can be used in different ways. For example, you can use lipstick as blush, bronzer as eyeshadow, and an eyebrow pencil as eyeliner.
Make a checklist
Before packing, make a checklist of all the things you’ll actually need. If you skip this step you’ll be more likely to unnecessary items and there’s a chance you’ll forget something.
Get a compact jewelry organizer
If you love jewelry, you totally need this! It was a total game-changer for me. Not only will it save you space, but none of your necklaces will tangle. This is the jewelry organizer I have used for the past 4 years, it still looks like new and it is a bit smaller than my hand.
You only need three pairs of shoes
You really, really don’t need more than three pairs of shoes. One pair for walking, one pair for nicer occasions, and maybe a pair of sandals or flip-flops, depending on the weather of your destination. The key here is to wear the bulkiest pair on the plane to save even more space.
Get travel-sized products or containers
I absolutely love skincare. So when it comes to traveling, my skincare and makeup bag tends to be the heaviest and bulkiest. I often carried skincare items with me that I didn’t even end up having time to use – like face masks or ice rollers.
It is worth it to invest in the travel-sized versions of whatever products you use. However, not all skincare products have travel-sized versions, in that case, you should get travel-size containers.
Roll your clothes instead of folding them
Rolling your clothes instead of folding them can free up a surprising amount of suitcase real estate. Plus, it minimizes wrinkles. Win-win!
Mix & match your clothes
Ten pieces of clothing can make tons of outfits! But the secret is to choose neutrals and items of clothing that will look good with whatever you’re planning to wear. Try to make all of the clothing you’re packing to match. You’ll able to make tons of cute outfits with less clothing and that’s a win-win.
Another tip is to pack more tops than bottoms – they’re usually lighter and smaller and you’ll have more outfit options.
Related: 8 Style Rules That Will Make Your Life Easier
Think twice before packing each item
I think I NEED to take everything with me when packing “just in case”. Which obviously leads to overpacking.
Always remember to think twice when you’re packing something. Ask yourself if you’re really going to use/wear it. And if the answer is “I might…” then you probably won’t.
You’ll be able to do laundry
If you’re traveling for a few weeks or for over a month, don’t make the mistake of packing a ton of extra clothing. You are going to be able to do laundry wherever you are! Even if you don’t want to pay for laundry, you can always buy detergent and wash your own clothes at the hotel. I’ve definitely done this before, it is annoying but so convenient!
Bring a luggage scale
A luggage scare is something worth investing in if you want to dodge those excess weight fees. Not only will it save you money, but it also spares you the awkward ordeal of frantically opening your overstuffed suitcase in the middle of the airport, trying to figure out what to wear or stuff into your carry-on, just to avoid the $100 fee.
There are different types of luggage scales, but I personally like the ones with a strap you can put around your luggage handle and lift.
Wear bulky and heavy items when traveling
By this I mean you should wear the heaviest or bulkiest clothes on the plane if they a) Don’t fit in your bag or b) You’ve already reached your bag’s weight limit but you’re dying to take that special piece of clothing. The solution is to wear it!
There were a handful of times when I wore a bunch of layers on the airplane. It looked like I was doing the 100 clothing layer challenge, but it worked! I didn’t have to pay for overweight, which can be super expensive depending on the airline.
This is super useful not only when you’re about to start a trip but when you’re coming back home and you bought lots of things and they don’t fit in your suitcases anymore.
Let me know if you have other tips to avoid overpacking when traveling – would love to try them out!