Ah, senior year of high school. You blink, and suddenly you’re walking the graduation stage, right? Trust me, that year is a whole mix of emotions—stressful, exciting, bittersweet. But hey, it’s your final year before another stage of your life begins, so why not make it epic?
Before you dive into adulting, you’ve got this one last hoorah in high school. And trust me, after the caps are tossed in the air, life goes in a zillion directions. So rather than speed-scrolling through the year, soak it all in.

Adulting 101: Start planning
If you’re like me and thrive on making plans, start jotting down those college application deadlines. When’s that essay due? What about campus tours? SATs, ACTs—girl, the list goes on. Staying organized is key.
The sooner you start planning, the better. If you don’t know what you want to do yet, consider taking a gap year. Many universities offer exploratory programs for those who haven’t chosen a major yet. Remember it is totally normal not to know.
During my freshman year of college, I had no idea of what to do with my life, so I just took basic classes until I realized I wanted to go to fashion school. Which led me to transfer to FIT and move to New York City.
Still clueless? Explore your options
Don’t freak out if you still haven’t picked out your dream school or career. I started off wanting to be in fashion design, only to flip the script and move to NYC for Fashion Business. The point is to keep your options open. Hunt down scholarships, explore alternative payment methods for college, and please, for the love of all things holy, do your research.
Try new things
Try new classes, join a new club, and check out some new school activities. Consider mentoring a younger student. Make a list of all the things and activities you want to try before graduating, and actually do them.
Related: 18 Fun Things To Add To Your High School Senior Year Bucket List
Grades do matter
I know you’re over it—English essays, math exams, the whole shebang. But your grades are like your Instagram feed: people are gonna judge. Colleges look at your senior year performance, so focus on them.
Let’s talk about that freshman 15
You’ve heard the rumors, and yep, it’s true. It can be challenging to eat healthy in the dining halls. And if you go to fraternity parties, you’ll probably be drinking lots of beer. So, start hitting the gym now, so you won’t be shocked later. I actually gained around 10 pounds. And while you’re at it, learn to cook something other than instant ramen. Trust me, your future self will thank you.
Related: 10 Ways To Avoid The Freshman 15
Make it a year to remember
Before you know it, you’ll be donning that cap and gown. So don’t waste a moment. Savor the dances, the lunchtime gossip, and those late-night cram sessions. Senior year is all about making memories that’ll last way longer than your Snapchat stories.