I guess I’m writing this post a little too late, since I turned 18 back in February… But, regardless, I’m still so excited I finally turned 18. If you don’t know already, I’m Peruvian and back in my country, turning 18 is like turning 21 in the United States. How crazy is that? I feel like I was ready to be 18 years a while ago, haha. Honestly, it feels so weird to be 18 years old here, it’s not exciting at all. But I’m going home soon and I’ll celebrate there!
Anyways, having experienced so many moments, situations and travels, I came to the conclusion I had learned some important life lessons. And that is what I wanted to share with you. So, here are 18 things I’ve learned in the last 18 years.
To Be Grateful
Even for the small things. We always take some things for granted, like education or food. But we leave out the fact that there are people out there that don’t even finish elementary school. Or kids that actually die from hunger. Point is, we should always appreciate what we have, even if they’re small things. Because we never know what could happen and it is never too late to start being grateful.
People change
Everyone changes over time, including you.
Ps. I’m updating/fixing grammar errors (oops) and it’s been 2 years since I wrote this post. Yup, now I’m 20 years old, feel very old and I want my teens back. Anyways, looking back to what I wrote, I’ve changed so much! And those around me have changed as well. Always remember that change isn’t bad. It just means you’re evolving and changing. The situations we go through help us become the persons we are today.
Grades do matter
Okay, back in high school, I honestly couldn’t care less about my grades. I even almost failed a couple classes and got average grades on others. I wasn’t ambitious, I could have gotten amazing grades if I studied hard enough, but I just didn’t care. But it wasn’t too long until I realized grades do matter… a lot. Grades matter for you to get that internship, they matter for you to join a sorority, for you to get to your dream college. Grades do matter.
Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay.
Just as you don’t like everyone, not everyone is going to like you. And that is okay, deal with it, you can’t force people to like you. I know this sounds harsh but you don’t have to go out of your way to make someone like you, when they simply don’t.
When you stop caring about what people think of you, you’re happier
I promise you, once you start doing this, you’ll be happier. I stopped caring about what people think of me a while ago. Before, I used to even feel bad because of what people would say about me and I would wonder what I did wrong for them to think such things about me. And now I’m happier with myself. I only care about what my loved ones think of me and everyone else can just fuck off with their negativity. I don’t have time to deal with that bullshit and neither should you. Thing is everyone is going to think something different, whether it is a negative or positive thought, and you’re the only one that can choose whether it affects you or not.
Toxic people are the worst
I feel like there is so much negativity around us. It’s like some people want you to fail just because they’re envious. If you start noticing someone being toxic toxic around you, just keep your distance and learn how to avoid them. People that stress you out and make you fell miserable or bad about yourself are toxic and they don’t deserve your friendship. You are the only one that can do something about it.
Only if you love yourself you’ll be able to love someone else
Simple as that, you have to love yourself first. If you don’t love yourself, how in the world are you supposed to love another person?
Self-love that Kanye would be envious of
-Jennave Traore
Don’t believe everything people tell you
Okay so I was sort-of dating this guy only to find out he lied to me so many times. And I was so mad and so disappointed, I would have never expected him to lie to me, I expected more from him. So, thing is that the person you could never expect to do such thing, could be doing it. And not only boyfriends or guys, but also friends. Just keep an open mind for the possibility that maybe (only maybe) they’re lying to you.
Also, a piece of advice my mom gave me was “Only believe 50% of what guys tell you“.
Ps. 20-year-old me now writing. That is still the best advice my mom has given me so far.
Guys are temporary, sisters are forever
Okay, okay, I know this sounds totally like something a sorority girl would say, and sorry to break it to you, but my GrandBig told me this one. And it left me thinking and it is so true (most of the time). Never put a guy before your girlfriends. Because if you break up with your current S.O, your girlfriends will be there for you.
Your parents are *almost* always right
You might not always agree with your parents, you might even have strong arguments and disagreements. But always remember that everything they tell you has a reason. Besides, they are older than you and they have more experiences regarding relationships, finances, and life in general. And also they only want what’s best for you.
Karma does exist
Be good and do good.
It is okay if you don’t have your life figured out
Thing is, when I graduated high school I had no idea of what to do with my life. Choosing a major and a school was a huge challenge. And studying Fashion Design wasn’t something I pictured myself doing even though I always wanted to. Not everyone has their life figured out, and it is totally okay if you don’t. Take your time to figure it out.
Update, 20-year-old me again. I changed majors and moved to nyc! Read all about it here. And hint: I still don’t know what the hell I’ll do with my life. I mean I have an idea of what I want to do with my life. And I’m scared of graduating and entering the real world. But that is fine as long as you’re willing to figure it out and work hard for what you want once you find out exactly what that is.
Going through a breakup doesn’t have to be hard if you have the right friends
Going through a breakup SUCKS, but if you do the right things like keeping yourself distracted and if you have the right friends who look up for you and love you and try to make it better, then it doesn’t have to suck.
Everyone will have their heart broken at least once in their life. Me, I’ve had it broken twice. Having your friends and family there for you makes it a thousand times better.
Live is too short, enjoy every second
Don’t let small things ruin your day, because time flies by really fast and you should enjoy every single little moment.
Do things that scare you
Being afraid won’t bring you anywhere. Overcome your fears. It is also the best way to get out of your comfort zone. And you probably won’t be scared of it any longer.
There is ALWAYS enough time
The typical “I don’t have time” is just an excuse, It’s not the lack of time, it is how you use your time. I’m one of those persons that keeps complaining the day doesn’t have enough hours, but honestly I am a (huge) procrastinator. I procrastinate a LOT (It’s not my fault, it’s Netflix’s). So stop complaining about not having time and manage your time better.
Also, some advice. If a guy tells you he doesn’t have time to hangout with you, it’s a huge excuse. Unless it’s finals week, he’s sick or he’s spending time with his family. If he really cares about you, he’ll make the time to see you. If he doesn’t, you’re better off without him.
One night stands happen
They just do, and you shouldn’t regret it or be embarrassed about it. And the fact that it happened shouldn’t make things weird. If you want to have a one night stand with some hot guy you met at a party, go ahead (& stay safe). And if one night stands aren’t your thing, that’s awesome too. You do you.
It is okay to be a little bit selfish
For some people, it is a little bit hard to say no (me included), but it’s okay to be a little selfish every now and then. Put yourself first. Especially when you’re in your teens and maybe 20s, be selfish, focus on yourself and your career or whatever you want to focus on.
Those were the 18 life lessons I’ve learned in 18 years. Hope you enjoy!