First post of the year! Probably a bit too late to be posting my 2020 resolutions but the past couple weeks have been crazy! I’m back in Peru with my mom and we’re renting the house I grew up in – so we were running around pretty much all day every day since I got here. On New Years Eve, I rushed to Starbucks to write down my resolutions because I feel like when you write them with pen and paper it makes it official. Anyways, officially moving out of the house I grew up in – officially because I technically moved to the US a couple years ago – made me very emotional. For me, it meant the end of an era. Not many of you know but my dad passed away years ago when I was 11 so many of the memories I have about him happened in that house.
ANYWAYS, this whole situation made me reflect on many aspects of my life harder than I ever did. And to be honest, I feel like during 2019 things were happening, everyone was moving forward, time was flying by, but I was standing still. I realized I didn’t accomplish many or any of the goals I had set to myself, so 2020 for me will be the year of working my ass off and doing more.
Wake up earlier
I like having time for myself every morning and not having to rush, but I also love sleeping and don’t have the willpower to leave my bed. That needs to change. If I had at least an hour before having to get ready and going to class, I could squeeze in a workout and set the tone for my day or just reply emails and get some things done.
Get better at managing my time
Do you know that feeling of having thousands of things to do but no time to do them? That’s how I felt every single day during 2019 and the longer I thought about it, I realized it was my own fault. I wasn’t chewing on more than I could take, but I had the time management skills of a carrot. literally. And combine poor time management skills with anxiety and you have a tired stressed mess aka me. I really need to find a way of managing school, a social life and every task that goes into blogging.
I also have so many projects for this year, like being more active on the blog, creating a tiktok account and doing videos. But more projects means that I definitely need to get better at time management.
Mental health
If I had a dollar every single time someone told me I look too tense and stressed, I wouldn’t be a millionaire but I, for sure. wouldn’t be an almost broke mess. During the past couple months, everyone tells me I’m too tense and stressed, everyone meaning my family, my chiropractor and even my dentist. Which I didn’t pay a lot of attention to, because I didn’t feel tense and stressed. In my mind I was just a care-free girl living in the city. But all that tension and stress started to affect my health. As a way to take care of my mental health, I’ll start running, meditating and I also want to start painting again.
Eat healthy & workout CONSISTENTLY
With consistently being a key word. I’m the kind of person who would workout 6 times one week and zero the following week. The same goes with food, I could eat only salads for one week and then junk food the next. It is hard for me to be consistent, including blogging which is why my blog posts are so spaced out. Of course, I want to be consistent in various aspects in my life. But I want to focus mainly in my relationship with food and in exercising for now.
Be more responsible with money
I might suck at math, I don’t know a lot about literature and sports aren’t my thing, but I can tell you I’m amazing at spending money. I read that the first step to being more responsible when it comes to money is to notice what you’re spending it on. So, I looked at my transactions history, something I probably have done only twice in my life and well I don’t know why mom hasn’t disinherited me yet.
I noticed I spend a lot on things I don’t need. But also living in NYC is like automatically spending money every single time you leave your place. Anyways, I definitely need to set a budget and stick to it.
Getting personal on social media + the blog
This is the last one of my resolutions for 2020! You can definitely notice this blog post is more personal than any I have ever written before. And that is because one of my resolutions is getting real and personal on here and also on my social media. I guess it’s always been a bit hard for me to let others in – I’m also kinda shy and introverted. BUT oh well, here I am, ready to completely be myself and have no filter from now on.
So, here were some of my 2020 resolutions, what are some of yours?