This is a sponsored post in partnership with just. and the InfluenceHer Collective. All words and opinions are my own.
I have a love/hate relationship with periods. I hate them because cramps, bloating, all the feels, but at the same time whenever I get them I just feel relieved because, hey I’m not pregnant. A lot of people probably feel this way. But something I never stopped to think about is what the ingredients are in our period products. Dyes and fragrances in and near the most delicate part of our bodies once every month? How crazy is that?!
I did my research and it actually blew my mind. I feel like ingredients and our period products is a topic that is rarely talked about, but it’s something that is very important.That’s why I’m happy to partner with just. because they’re encouraging young women to have more open conversations around periods, so we can be better educated about them. And both their tampons and pads are free of dyes, fragrances, and chlorine bleaching. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to using regular pads & tampons, like no, thank you, to fragrances and dyes.
just. was created for women who want a simple option in period protection with no bells and whistles. Their products are all free of dyes, fragrances, and chlorine bleaching. Their tampons have an 100% cotton core and their pads have a 100% cotton top layer for comfort.. If you head over to their website you can read more about their products and the ingredients! Yes, they do disclose their ingredients!
I’m on my period right now while writing this and I love their products! The tampons come with the applicator to make things easy. The pads are thin and comfortable. You can find just. products at your local Walmart!
Instead, I’ll be using just. sanitary products. Just. was created for women who want a simple option in period protection with no bells and whistles. Their products are 100% cotton core, free of dyes, fragrances, and chlorine bleaching. If you head over to their website you can read more about their products and the ingredients! Yes, they do disclose their ingredients!
I’m on my period right now while writing this and I love their products! The tampons are super absorbent and come with the applicator to make things easy. The pads are thin and really absorbent too. You can find just. products at Walmart!