Quick intermission to mention that this post was updated on August 2019 and I no longer use any of these apps, but Facetune and Lightroom to edit my Instagram photos. I also use the Tezza app but only for stories. Now, I make my own filters on Lightroom. There’s nothing wrong with the apps below, it’s just easier for me to edit on my laptop and Lightroom offers more flexibility and settings to edit pictures.
Depending on the picture, this is probably the first photo editing app I use. I love the selective feature, which allows you to brighten or darken a specific part of the photo. It is so helpful when my face is too dark and the rest of the picture too bright. For example, I took this picture on the left and I used Snapseed to make it look like the one on the right side. As you can see I used the selective feature to darken the corners. BEFORE

Okay, I’m not going to lie. I love Facetune. It comes in handy when you need to edit small details. I use it to whiten certain things in a picture, like the walls, teeth, and something that is white but looks yellow. I also use the smooth feature, if I have a pimple in a photo I’ll just smoothen it out. No one needs to see that pimple. And using those features isn’t something people should be embarrassed about, so here am I letting a lot of people know that if I have a pimple I smoothen it out! I also use the details feature when I want something to be more noticeable, like when I’m promoting jewellery. I’ll probably write a detailed post about how I use Facetune. So stay tuned! The picture on the left side is unedited, and as you can see, the door in the right picture is whiter. I also edited the picture on the right using VSCO. BEFORE

I use this app to make some photos look old and vintage. I just go to textures, then dust and there are many dusty filters to choose from. It is also my go-to app for analog film effects! Just go to textures and then Film lights. The picture on the left side is almost unedited and the one on the right side has a filterloop dust filter. BEFORE

A while before I started using the paid desktop version, I used the Lightroom app (free version) to edit pictures on my phone. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2019 that I started to make my own filters and I’ve been using Lightroom for such a long time already! It’s definitely a bit harder to use than any of the other apps above, but it is so worth it! A lot of bloggers also sell their presets online and you can get presets for only $5 on Etsy! BEFORE