Sororities normally get a bad rap, and I honestly don’t know why – I’ve never had a bad experience in my sorority and never even met someone who has. I’ve started this greek life blog posts series because I want to change the negative attitude people have towards it. So, if you want to read more about this topic, just click here! Anyways, freshman year for me is now over and joining a sorority made it an amazing year. So, I thought I’d share the reasons why I decided to join a sorority in the first place.
Because of sisterhood

As an international student, I had no friends when I first got to campus. I was pretty by myself and was very shy. So, I thought that the best way to make some friends was to join a sorority. So that is exactly what I did. Now, I spend so much time with my sisters and there is always someone to hangout with. So you’re never alone, you want a gym buddy? Ask your sister. You need someone to go out with? Ask your sister.
Besides, you meet people you would have never met otherwise. There are so many people on campus, what are the chances you could have met your sisters without joining a sorority?
Also, there are a lot of events throughout the year, where you also get to meet girls from other sororities, frat boys or people from other organizations.
Related: 6 reason why you should join a sorority
To be a part of something bigger
When you join a sorority you join an organization that exists in different colleges across the US. You can find sisters all over the country… how crazy is that?! Also, sororities give back to the community. Every sorority has a philanthropy and they organize events every semester to help raise money for a better cause. So, you basically meet a lot of people and have fun while giving back to the community.
To network

Your sister’s connections become your connections and that is a great way to expand your network and also to be referred by someone. For example, if you need a job, it is very likely that one of your sisters knows about a job opening and it is very likely she’d be willing to refer you. Not only will she refer you but since she is your sister, she will talk good about you!
Sororities also have networking events with Alumnae, and that is also a great way to network!
Resume boost + campus involvement
Adding your sorority association on your resume shows employers that you have connections and, social and communication skills. And I know that greek associations have the reputation of binge drinking and partying, but employers do understand that that is how college is and they won’t judge you for being in one.
Being in a sorority is also a great way to get involved on campus since they don’t just socialize with other Greek organizations, but with other organizations on campus in general!
Home away from home

If you’re looking for a reason to join a sorority this one is it: home away from home. I was more than a thousand miles away from home. Adjusting to life on campus and to a different culture was definitely challenging. I wanted a home away from home and now I have that, plus amazing sisters that are always there for me.