If you are reading this post, it means you’re going to college soon! And that is so exciting! My first week of college ever was a complete mess, I had no idea what I was doing and got lost around campus about a thousand times. But, each first week each semester gets better and better. So, here are 5 things you should do your first week of college to start the semester with the right foot.
Related: 5 things you shouldn’t do your first week of college
Explore campus
As I said before, I got lost so many times. So, something you should definitely do during your first week is getting familiar with the area. Find our exactly where your classes are at, find shortcuts, find the closest convenience store, etc. When finding your classrooms, it also helps to time how long it’ll take you to get to your next class.
Another thing I’d recommend you do is to find a cute & quiet hidden spot on campus. Sometimes you just need to be alone and this could be your happy place away from home.
Create a Roommate contract
When you move to the dorms, most residential advisors are in charge of acting as a moderator between you and your roommates, to create the roommate contract. But, in case your RA doesn’t have to or in case you’re not living at the dorms, you should definitely go over certain topics with your roommates to avoid conflicts in the future.
Luckily I’ve never had a bad roommate, but I’ve heard so many horror stories, so a couple things you should do is trying to get to know your roommates and also set some rules and boundaries. Click here for an example of a roommate agreement.
Related: How to Survive College Move-In Day
Make friends
Okay, maybe you have heard that the first couple weeks of college is the perfect time to make some friends. And let me tell you that it is totally true! Everyone is on the same boat when it comes to making friends, so try to meet some new people. Sit next to someone at the dining hall or at class. Just don’t be shy and go for it!
Get your textbooks
Once you’ve read the syllabus and once you’ve been to class and you’re completely sure you’ll actually need the those textbooks, it’s time to buy or rent them. I’d definitely recommend renting them on Amazon or Chegg. There also services like Cengage. And if you want to buy a book, you can always buy a used one, to save some money. Just make sure to wait until you’re completely sure you’ll need the book. I’ve had so many classes where I rented a book and never even opened it and still got an A.
Related: 15 Things I learned my Freshman Year of College.
Go to class
I know this might seem obvious, but don’t skip class. I know it might seem that you won’t go over anything important during the first week of classes, but that is not true! The first classes are the most important and here’s why: Professors will go through the syllabuses and it’s the perfect time to understand exactly what to do to get an A in a class and to make important dates on your calendar. Also, it’s the perfect time to introduce yourself to your professors and classmates.
Attend every event you can
Just do it – go to the ice cream events or to the movie nights. This is a great opportunity to make friends even if it’s awkward. You’ll meet people you’ll probably want to avoid in the future, people who still think they’re in high school, and maybe you’ll meet people who will be your closest friends. You never know.